Chevalliance - Développer sa confiance en soi grâce au cheval

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What kind of relationship would you like?

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Getting out of a daily perimeter is part of everyone’s learning. And parallels are plethora with equicoaching. So yes, my horses also learn to discover the world and what fascinates me about them is this real ability to see each day totally different, new, exciting. While we are generally rather in a routine approach to life.

Therefore adaptability and capacity to change and accept it is an asset for everyone. Everything evolves and if we do not decide it, life decides it for us.

That’s why it is important that my team of horses can get rid of many new things.

We both walk to discover the surrounding countryside. She stops abruptly and I follow her gaze. A flock of four donkeys. Nothing extraordinary in itself … we continue our journey after a time of observation.

A few hundred meters further two alpacas come to us in a messy gallop, accompanied by a huge ball that has no beginning nor end, like a huge ball of wool: a black sheep! New stop much longer than the previous one. I give her time to look, to feel, I give her the name of the animals she sees moving in front of her. She is my mare, among others, a living being on earth in a constantly evolving context. And what she sees in front of her for half an hour are manifestations of life whose form she did not meet until today.

Just like the business world that deal with events never envisaged before.

And the environment of my mare is constantly evolving … and the comparison comes easily you will have understood: like a company with its economic context!

It must be scary. In fact, it’s scary! 

By walking her today I have the chance to see the world through her velvet eyes. I am lucky to see how she evaluates everything that comes her way. If I’m honest, the only benefit I have is to name things and also I have already met donkeys!
Alpacas I had seen on video or photo but never in real life and a black sheep I saw them in comics designer F’Murr! In fact I have no advantage over her except to be in what I believe to be MY world that is different from hers.

Knowing how to take a step back, being able to empathize – in other words, to put oneself in the other person’s shoes – makes it possible to apprehend individuals and strategies. The company would define it as quality representing the ideal employee. My mare will appreciate.

The wait continues, she trembles a little on her outstretched legs, ready to flee, her look search around for something that could reassure her or a way to escape the situation. I show her in the distance a horse, a real horse. Lack of luck, he is so still that she doesn’t see him … or maybe the succession of news things puts her in so much pressure that she does not even see him. She is in a state of crisis.

Crisis test us, or we collapse, or we grow fast.

It’s a matter of seconds and how I’m going to negotiate with her so that we will grow up together. It’s called emotional intelligence. It’s my assessment of what will make her feel confident or run away. This sum of attitudes that make her want to follow me to the end of the world … or not!

How many times are we in these moments of crisis?

The family, the school, the university teach us subjects, theories, applications and finally everyone – parents, educators, teachers included – hope that by entering into the world of work the emotional intelligence we fall on us like a lightning illumination!

Emotional intelligence is considered a minor aspect of a successful life while it is the very basis.

Today, the lack of understanding of relational competencies is due to the fact that we use our relationships with others only as a mean of realizing ourselves while our relationships can only be.

The other only interests us as long as he/she gives us pleasure, refuge or satisfaction. But as soon as a disorder sets in, we dismiss them. But to develop a relationship you need listening, empathy and time … and that’s part of our humanity!

And taking the time is no longer a luxury, it is a vital necessity, it is urgent to decide to take the time!

I let her see for herself from seconds to long minutes that these strange animals are also very surprised, and that the bizarre movements further away are people bent while doing the first spring gardening, and that the gunshots we hear are not meant for – it’s a well-insulated clays firing activity further into a nearby woods.
After these tests we continued the road like friends. Our relationship is evolving and her whole attitude shows that she is relaxed and I know that the world is so much more exciting than frightening.

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